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HEHA provides comprehensive Solutions Delivery across a full range of technology specialisations and is recognised as an industry leader for delivering innovative and cutting-edge Communication Equipment solutions. We understand that the successful delivery of a technology solution is highly dependent on: An initial design that meets the clients requirements; A clearly defined scope for both employees and contractors; and Informing Stakeholders of the status of works and relevant risks.

We have built a reputation on providing trusted advice and a ‘no compromise’ strategic approach to solution and project delivery. By leveraging our Engineering and Project Management experience, you can be confident of minimising any risk to the systems leaving you to focus on key operations. Further, HEHA is vendor neutral meaning we can objectively and independently represent the interests of your company. HEHA is flexible in its contracting approach, whether it is as systems integrator, design and construct we can and will deliver your projects.

Our Teams have vast hands-on experience in planning, managing and delivering large complex scopes of work for many of largest projects across the commercial and public sector organisations. We are committed to delivering best practice standards and performance, and as such HEHA is backed by Quality accreditation, management system and a dedicated project management office. Post project implementation, HEHA is able to provide Support Services allowing for predictive and preventative monitoring of network faults or serious outages.

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