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Our technology is easy to deploy and will save security providers time and money by analysing video from monitored zones, and filtering out nuisance alarms. It ignores environmental effects like poor weather, camera shake, moving foliage and shadows that account for costly time-consuming false alarms.

World-class wireless video transmission that allows remote viewing securely over cellular/constrained networks with near-zero latency. Our solution is patented video codec technology. Our solution provides real-time video streaming over bandwidth-constrained or congested networks. With customers in many countries, our solutions are relied upon by some of the world's most demanding customers. Real-time video over wireless networks, from the outset, our solution has been designed to ensure video can be delivered over wireless networks with under second latency. Unlike standards-based codecs such as H.264 and MJPEG which struggle with the variability of bandwidth on wireless networks, our solution actively monitors the bandwidth at each instances and using this information adjusts the amount of image detail so that it never exceeds the bandwidth available to it. This enables a constant frame rate and avoids missed frames or a build-up in time delay. Uniquely, our solution can stream real-time video over wireless networks at under 30 kbits per second.

End-to-end security, our solution has been designed to provide users with high-grade security. Our solution can be deployed with packet-level AES256 bit encryption to minimise encryption overhead. This gives users complete confidence that, with no adverse effect on video latency or cost of data transmission, our solution delivers virtually unbreakable video security between encoder and viewing application without the need for expensive and complex virtual private networks (VPNs).

Social Media Profile Intelligence System
WP-LABS is an Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) tool. WP-LABS can help you to gathering and connecting information to build a link analysis. WP-LABS was created for law enforcement Organizations, private detectives, investigative journalists, ethical hackers and other professionals.

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